Thursday, April 24, 2014

Post Spring Break

Ok so it is the week after Spring Break and it has been a crazy one! We have had to get back into our school routine, had a field trip, early release day, and had to shuffle our schedule around to accommodate play practice. My kids have handled it like a champ! Here is a Smilebox from our in-school field trip that Mad Science put on for Earth Day. Enjoy!
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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 4: Chicks

We still have three chicks.  They are now in the tank so that they can eat their chick food and drink water.  The students have really enjoyed watching the chicks, however a few think that the chicks are a bit loud!  Peep, peep, peep...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 3: Chicks!

We have had an awesome day!!  This morning we came in to one chick and we left with three chicks.  We got the opportunity to see two chicks hatch from their eggs.  The first one hatched quickly and the second one took about 10-15 minutes to come out!  He worked hard and we tried our best to be quiet and patient.  We got to see what fluffy chicks look like and what chicks look like with their wet down. 

Our observation chick book illustrations looked much different from the previous two days.  We are working on informative writing and the importance of adding labels to our illustrations.  Hopefully tomorrow our other two eggs with hatch!

We have a chick!!

We came in this morning to see one adorable chick in our incubator!!  Two of our other eggs have small holes.  Keep looking back to see if any more of our chicks hatch today! 


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Eggs- Day 2

We continued observing our eggs today.  The scientists reported that there were no noticeable changes in the eggs.  There were still five eggs, they were the same color, and there were no cracks.  We did realize some details that we didn't see yesterday though.  One of the main observations that we noted in our chick books is that some of the eggs have small, black specks.  Hopefully tomorrow we will start to see some cracks and holes!! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

We have eggs!!

Over the past few weeks we have been learning all about oviparous animals and have specifically talked about chicks.  We have been reading a lot of books about eggs and chicks, written informative pieces about chicks, and have even acted out what it would be like to hatch out of an egg.  One of the most interesting facts that we have learned is that chicks have an egg tooth that help them hatch out of their egg!!  Today we got 5 chick eggs to put in our incubator!!  We are all so excited to see what is going to happen with our eggs.  The poem that we are reading this week is called Baby Chick by Aileen Fisher.  This poem describes the process of chicks hatching out of eggs.  We are going to be scientists to see if the process in the poem is the same as the process that we observe.  Here is a picture of our eggs and incubator!!