Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Pajama and Stuffed Animal Day!

We had a great last day of school before the winter holiday!  We celebrated all of our hard work so far this year with a pajama day.  The kids were also able to bring in one stuffed animal.  The stuffed animals joined the kids throughout the day and helped them with their work.  Here is a Smilebox of some pictures that were taken on this fun day!  

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Wednesday, December 7, 2016


This past Monday our amazing Digital Integration Specialist, Lisa Knoche, came in to teach the kids a coding app on the iPad.  The students were so excited to play "The Foos"!  One child said, "It's a video game"!  They learned how to be programmers and learned how to tell the character on the app what to do.  The kids had to use problem solving skills and overall they did a great job!  Here are some pictures!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Writing Celebration!

Last week we had our first writing celebration of the year!  All of the kids have grown so much as writers and they have all been working so hard.  We have been making books for the past couple of weeks and we were wrapping up a writing unit so it was a perfect time to celebrate our accomplishments so far!  Here are some pictures of our writing celebration!  We started by sharing one page out of our favorite book and then we read the whole book to a small group.  The kids seemed so proud of their work!