Friday, May 5, 2017

Week of May 1st

Reading Challenge #2: 
Traveling Book Bag

Lilah's writing from the books in the traveling book bag!

Carter and his mom's writing from the books in the traveling book bag!

Mary Mac and her mom's writing from the books in the traveling book bag!

Parker and his mom's writing from the books in the traveling book bag!

Writing Challenge #2:
Write a note to someone.

Mary Mac wrote me a thank you note!

Writing Challenge #4:
Write about something you have done or will do.

Sadie Mae's writing about tree frogs!

Writing Challenge #5:
Write a how-to book.

Silas used what he was interested in and wrote "How to Make a Baby"!

Hudson taught the class how to make a paper airplane with his book!

Writing Challenge #6:
The writing challenge for next week is to have your child create a list.  Ideas for lists include: a grocery list, summer activity list, book list, bucket list, birthday list, etc.  Have your child bring this in to share or take a picture of it to send.

More Reading and Writing Done at Home:

Lilah wrote a book about ducks!

What We've Been Learning

Reading and Writing: I can read to find facts about animals.  I can research facts about animals.  
We are having a great time researching, reading and writing about animals that we are interested in.  This week we used books and PebbleGo to help use fill in our brainstorming sheet.  We started moving our facts from our brainstorming sheet to our book!

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