Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Week of September 25th

What we have learned and worked on throughout the week...

Our new student Brayden!!

The kids listened to a story and then drew pictures of what the book made them think of.  They loved sharing with their neighbors! 

Writing Workshop: I can label a picture.
We had so much fun learning how to label this week!  In order to label and write down words, we have been practicing stretching our words like "bubble gum".  We have to say the word slowly, several times until we can write down all the sounds that we hear.

We labeled Jack!

We worked with partners to "stretch words like bubble gum" to label the classroom!

Science: I can use my 5 senses to tell about apples. 
We have learned so much about apples by using our 5 senses.  We have loved doing apple experiments too!

We did an experiment to see if soda, milk, lemon, or water would help keep an apple from turning brown!

The apples we observed!

Our apple experiment results!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week of September 18th

What we have learned and worked on throughout the week...

Reading Workshop: I can reread to say more about the entire page of my book. 
We learned how important it is to reread this week.  When we rush through a book and don't reread we miss out on learning a ton of amazing information!

Corbin and Owen enjoying sharing what else they learned from their books when they reread!

Writing Workshop: I can write simple sentences. 
Since this week was color week, we spent the week writing simple sentences about the color of the day.  For example, the sentence either said "I like purple." or "I love purple!"  We talked about spacing between our words, starting a sentence with a capital letter, making sure our illustration/ picture matched our sentence and that our punctuation matched what we were saying.  The kids loved sharing their writing!  They had to read it the way that they wrote it with or without the exclamation mark.  Their classmates had to guess if they just liked the color or loved the color.

Sunni sharing her writing!

Graydon sharing his writing!

Baylee sharing her writing!

Adda sharing her writing!

Math: I can work with a friend to play a math game. 
Every day the kids go to a variety of math tubs with a group.  While students are in math tubs (that are focused on what we are learning) Mrs. Miller and I pull groups of students to our tables to work on what they need in math.

Madeline matching the number of spots on the dogs with the number on the bones!

Baylee matching the number of spots on the dogs with the number on the bones!

Maddy matching the number of spots on the dogs with the number on the bones!

Matching the dogs and the bones!

Kaydence and Garrett working together to match numbers and objects!

Sunni showing a number by putting the correct number of bears!

Emerson using tangrams to create numbers!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Week of September 11th

What we have learned and worked on throughout the week...

Cooper finding one of our sight words in the word search!

Baylee finding one of our sight words in the word search!

Reading Workshop: I can use a sticky to mark a WOW page.

Emerson sharing his WOW page with the class!

Writing Workshop: I can use illustrations to tell a story. 

Owen's story!

Mikey's story!

Gray's story!

Kaydence's story!

Cooper's story!

Kip's story!

Garrett's story!

Anna Claire's story!

Sullivan's story!

Audrey's story!

Baylee's story!

Nate's story!

Sullivan adding character and setting detail to her story!

Math: I can identify a number that is one more. 

This is our warm-up to math!  We count by ones, fives and tens while getting in some exercise.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week of September 4th

Even though this is a short week we have done so much already!

What we learned and worked on throughout the week...

Reading Workshop:  I can read the world.
All of the Learning Lambs are readers!  They all learned how to read the world and have had lots of practice this week reading our school, classroom and even environmental print that they brought in.  When readers read they look, they think about what something could say and then they read it.  Have your child practice this everywhere they go! 

Here is our alpha-box of environmental print!

Sunni looked at her name tag, thought about what it could say and then read it! 

Kaydence read a ton of fall words by looking at pictures, thinking about what it could say and then reading it! 

We walked around the classroom and read a lot of different things like signs, parts of the classroom, different objects, etc.! 

 Writing Workshop:  I can use illustrations to tell a story. 

Students worked hard on their illustrations to tell a story.

Some friends wanted to share their story with the class after I conferenced with them!

Jack's story!

Emerson's story!

Sunni's story!

Maddy's story!

Mrs. Dreher is our awesome guidance counselor!  She told us that her job was to help us with friends and feelings.

She read Leonardo, the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems (my favorite author!) to show us that when we are having different feelings it is important to share our feelings with an adult like our parents, teachers and Mrs. Dreher.

She also showed us how we show we are ready and listening with our whole body (feet, hands, eyes, mouth, ears, etc.).