What we learned and worked on throughout the week...
Reading Workshop: I can read the world.
All of the Learning Lambs are readers! They all learned how to read the world and have had lots of practice this week reading our school, classroom and even environmental print that they brought in. When readers read they look, they think about what something could say and then they read it. Have your child practice this everywhere they go!
Here is our alpha-box of environmental print!
Sunni looked at her name tag, thought about what it could say and then read it!
Kaydence read a ton of fall words by looking at pictures, thinking about what it could say and then reading it!

We walked around the classroom and read a lot of different things like signs, parts of the classroom, different objects, etc.!
Writing Workshop: I can use illustrations to tell a story.
Students worked hard on their illustrations to tell a story.
Some friends wanted to share their story with the class after I conferenced with them!
Jack's story!
Emerson's story!
Sunni's story!
Maddy's story!
Mrs. Dreher is our awesome guidance counselor! She told us that her job was to help us with friends and feelings.
She read Leonardo, the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems (my favorite author!) to show us that when we are having different feelings it is important to share our feelings with an adult like our parents, teachers and Mrs. Dreher.
She also showed us how we show we are ready and listening with our whole body (feet, hands, eyes, mouth, ears, etc.).
Just finding all of these precious posts!!! Thanks Sydney- Sunni really is loving kindergarten, always has so much to tell me about her day!!!