Reading: I can use pictures to read a story.
We have been reading our stories through the pictures. After we read the pictures we go back and read the words that match. This wordless book was so much fun! We told the whole story and then the next day we went back and added our own words!
We have been talking about how our pictures tell a story. This week we have really started adding labels to ensure that our readers knew what our story was about. We also used labels to label Brody in our class! Ms. Gillen taught a lesson and the kids walked around the classroom with their whiteboards to label different things in the classroom! The kids have loved stretching their words like bubble gum to get down all the sounds that they hear. We learned how to use our linking chart to help us figure out what letters to write down if we aren't quite sure what letter makes the sound that we heard.
Science: I can learn about my five senses.
We have been scientists this week and have engaged in activities to help us learn about our five senses. We looked around our classroom and came up with some of the things that we could see, smell, hear, taste and touch. Then the next day we took a nature walk and recorded things that we could see, smell, hear, touch and NOT taste outside.
Math Small Groups:
During math small groups this week, we called students over to show us as many ways as they could think of to show a certain number (ex: 4 circles, 4 in the tens frame, 4 pennies, 2 + 2=4 etc.)
WIN: What I Need
During WIN time, students worked on matching upper and lowercase letters, reading and coloring books about fall, played a game to match the first sound of a picture to a letter and played rhyming games all in groups.
Mrs. Luthren came to visit us this week! She helped us learn and talk about different feelings.
Dr. Doug:
We had our in-school field trip this week! Dr. Doug came and talked about the importance of "stopping, looking, and listening". He taught us how to use our five senses to compare and contrast things.
Star Student:
James was our "star student" this week! We have loved learning more about James and all of the things that he loves!
Traveling Book Bag:
This week we started sending home the "Traveling Book Bag"! The students all had the option to sign up to take the "Traveling Book Bag" home or not. Many of them could not wait to sign up!! The kids are able to take 3 books home that we have read in class. This gives them an opportunity to share some of their favorite books with their families. There is a journal in there for students to record their experience.
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