Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Busy Week Ahead

I cannot believe that we are already so close to the end of the school year!  As the end of the year approaches we will be having a lot of fun activities for your child and for you to participate in.  Please look at some of the highlights for what is going on next week:

-Tuesday, May 24th is field day; I will be sending out a separate email from the PE teachers about important reminders.  Some of them include having your child wear red, tennis shoes, sunscreen and bringing a water bottle with their name on it.  If you are planning to take your child home after field day please come back to our room and sign them out on the sheet in the classroom. 

-Our BIG growth celebration (ELA Extravaganza) is going to be next Friday, May 27th from 9:30-11:00 in our classroom!  The students have worked SO hard this year and they are so excited to share what they have learned at our celebration!  We hope that everyone can make it!  The morning will be filled with your child reading to you and sharing their writing.  Please send in a bag lunch this day.  We will not be going to the cafeteria.  If you have decided that you are going to take your child to lunch instead of participating in the picnic PLEASE send me a note so that we don't think that they need to buy a lunch!!  It is important that we know this the morning they arrive!  If you take your child with you after our celebration please sign out with us in the classroom.  We will have a sign out sheet ready for you.

This year we are having to pack up everything in our classrooms for work to be done during the summer.  Therefore, when you come in to celebrate with us our rooms are going to be pretty bare!  I just wanted to give you a heads up.  We cannot wait to see you all during these last few days of kindergarten! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


We had a great time watching our little caterpillars grow and change over the past few weeks.  We were able to see the life cycle of a butterfly in person.  The little caterpillars turned into big caterpillars.  Then the big caterpillars made their chrysalis.  After a while they all hatched and came out as beautiful butterflies!  We love science and getting to observe and learn through real world, hands on experiences.  Here are some pictures of our butterflies!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Informative Writing Celebration

Today we spent time celebrating all of the growth that we have made as writers.  We have spent the past month diving into informational texts and reading them like writers.  We used what we learned to help our own informative writing.  One of the things that we focused on was including labels in our illustrations.  We also learned that informative writing involves telling facts not opinions.  We had a great time sharing our writing with our friends today!  Here are some pictures from our celebration.