Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week of October 22nd

What we have learned this week...

Red Day:
We had so much fun celebrating that all of the students in our class know our red list words!  We used red playdoh to create words and learn new sight words, we made red creations and then wrote about them, ate a red snack and other fun activities!

Writing: I can write a simple sentence. 
We wrote books this week about things that we can do.  Each day we wrote a new page in our book and the sentence started with "I can..."

Handwriting: I can write the letters S, s, P and p. 
We engage in many activities each week to practice writing our letters with the correct formation.  One day of the week we write them on the Smartboard.

Science: I can use my 5 senses to make observations of pumpkins. 
We have had so much fun exploring pumpkins using our five senses this week!

Guided Reading:
We do more than just read books during our guided reading time.  We also work with words.  This is a picture sort that one of the groups did.

Stuffed Animal Day:
We loved having our stuffed animals work with us at school!

Number Talks:
We love showing how to make numbers in different ways.

Star Student: 
Our "star student" this week was Wallis!  We had so much fun learning about Wallis' family and some of the things that she loves- like cats and the author Mo Willems (like Mrs. Quarles)!

Traveling Book Bag:
One of the favorite books to bring home so far seems to be It's an Orange Aardvark! 

Secret Reader:
Mrs. Crawford, our Library Media Assistant, came to read to our class!

Mrs. Dreher, one of our school Guidance Counselors, came to read to our class!

Jessie's mom came to read to our class!

Mrs. Knott, our school reading coach, came to read to our class!


We had a great time at our picnic!  It was a great reward for earning 40 SAIL slips for following our school expectations!

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Reading Celebration #1

We had so much fun dressing up as our favorite fairy tale character and celebrating our growth as readers!  Here is a Smilebox of pictures.

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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week of October 15th

What we've been learning...

Shared Reading:
Each week we learn and work with a new poem.  On Fridays, we draw a picture to match the words of the poem.

Sight Words:
Each week we engage in different activities and strategies to learn our new words.  This is Ms. Gillen cheering the words with the kids.

Phonics: I can know and say the first sound of a word. 
We sorted pictures by their first sounds.

Responding to Text:
Each Monday we have "make it Monday".  We respond to a book read aloud in different ways.  We have been writing in our reading response journals and writing about what the book makes us think.

Independent Reading: I can read stories that I have read a zillion times. 
This week I gave the students the gift of books.  All of the students were so excited to see fairy tales that they could connect to.  Many of the students had read many of these books before and their engagement and excitement to read and reread these books was very high!

Writing Workshop: I can write simple sentences. 
This week we wrote all about things we could see.  "I see ...."

Math Number Talks: 
I was so impressed with the students and their ability to explain their thinking in math this week.  We started doing some whole group number talks.  I would give the students a number and they would show me that number in different ways in a tens frame.  Then they would have to explain their thinking to the whole class.  I wrote down their thinking.

Science: I can identify how fall changes people and plants.
We had a great time discussing and exploring fall and the changes that it brings.  One of the highlights of the week was our leaf walk.  We looked for signs of fall and found many leaves that had already started changing colors.

Star Student: 
Our "star student" this week was Madison!  We have loved getting to know more about Madison through her name book, pictures and more.

Traveling Book Bag: 
This week Brody, Wallis and Jacob enjoyed sharing books that we have read in school with their families!

Secret Reader:
Sloane's mom was our secret reader!

Beau's mom was our secret reader!

James' dad was our secret reader!